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Rely on unique SEO-optimized content with added value that meets the intended target group
Develop your expert status and competitive advantage
A high-quality market presence is indispensable for your search engine ranking
Only unique, high-quality content generates sustainable traffic
Regular development of your market presence with Blogs & Co.
Profit from our professional SEO Copywriting
Search engines use complex algorithms to decide on the thematic relevance and quality of your market presence.
You should be interested in satisfying your users by providing them with high-quality search results with added value, which precisely answer their requests. The main task in the creation of content is, therefore, to be recognized by Google & Co. as relevant and qualitative which will result in your company being well-listed. Good content also plays an important role in off-page optimization. Texts that appeal to your target groups are often shared on social networks and are essential for successful content marketing. Linkbuilding also benefits from high-quality content on your homepage.
The creation of high-quality SEO-optimized content is an essential determining factor of your success with market presence. The interplay of intelligent SEO optimization and content marketing makes you visible. As a result, you generate sustainable traffic in the buy-relevant core target groups, which ultimately influences the positive development of your conversions and, as a result, increases your profits.
To generate sustainable traffic, several criteria have to be considered. The text quality is defined by the relevance for the USER, i.e. your potential customers.
Therefore, no long-winded page-long keyword deserts are needed. Well-researched and unique content, which is geared towards the users, is what should be focused on- a good website is not only about individual SEO keywords.
A good website is built around the needs of the core audience and understands what they’re looking for. The best content is content that picks up potential buyers on their customer journey.
We are happy to analyze your content with the help of our successful SEO Text Check and we will support you in the development of Content Management that impresses your target groups – and Google & Co.
Our offer to you
Our SEO Text Check gives you an overview of the quality of your existing homepage texts and the overall brand image. Our keyword research will help you understand the direction your content should take to help make your business and brand visible to your target audience. Through the course of a workshop, we would like to discuss which methods you create intelligent content with and support you in the sustainable development of an online editorial office.
So, your existing homepage does not appear in organic top rankings and you are not reaching your desired success? SEO content and content architecture are essential components for gaining visibility in any SEO strategy and SEO optimization. Develop your competitive advantage with us, which will communicate your expert status and support you in obtaining online credibility.
As part of a holistic optimization project, our experienced experts analyze your OnPage content, develop a tailor-made content concept and implement it.
In terms of textual optimization, the path is the goal: Search engine algorithms focus on relevance and informative content which requires the regular development of your homepage content through, for example, blog posts. Creative, high-quality texts bring current topics and dynamics into your marketing content and support link building around your market presence.
We know that you are busy with your business, which is the reason our all-round service includes long-term textual support and continuous development of your homepage with content that appeals to your target groups and sustainably consolidates your expert status. This is what leads to visibility and ensures high-quality traffic from your core target groups.
The development of a successful content concept and the subsequent implementation of it in practice can be learned. We will be happy to show you how SEO texting works and how to get your website content to the top of search engine rankings in our in-house workshops on SEO texting.
In order to meet your individual demands and to be able to discuss all possible opportunities, we invite you to a free and non-binding consulting.
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